How an iPhone video saved a man's life
3 years ago a man named Brian was doing exactly what you're doing right now...
Reading this page about gun ownership.
6 months later he was forced to shoot a man in self-defense. He was then taken to prison and charged with murder.
But because of the decision he made on this page ... he's a free man today.
Instead of rotting away in prison leaving his daughter and wife to survive without him, he's a present father and husband.
Because he made a decision ... the same decision I'll ask you to make today.
Let me explain...
Over the next few minutes, I'm going to tell you about something called the U.S Concealed Carry Association.
It's a membership for gun owners that's over 700,000 members strong. I'll explain all the benefits you get when you join shortly.
First, I need to tell you Brian's TRUE story, and why it's so important to YOU.
See, Brian clicked an ad on the internet and landed on a page almost identical to the one you're reading right now...
After reading the entire page, Brian decided to invest in his own protection, and the protection of his family.
In all honesty, he considered leaving the page, thinking "I can just come back and sign up later."
But he didn't. He made the decision that day to become a member...
Little did he know, just 6 short months later he'd be faced with the most challenging moment of his life.
Brian was well-trained
He had spent years learning and practicing the defensive use of firearms.
He had a concealed carry permit, and his gun was secured in his truck while he was helping his family member.
I was SHOCKED when I read the police report.
This attacker beat her up and lit her house on fire?
It's hard to imagine such evil...
Here's what happened:
The next day, Brian went to help her gather some things from her burned home...
The attacker returned to the scene of the crime.
With his daughter in the truck, Brian did exactly what USCCA Training teaches members to do...
The attacker REFUSED to leave.
Despite Brian's best attempts, this deranged attacker became more agitated.
He angrily rushed toward Brian to get inside.
But Brian refused to let him in...
So he kicked him in the chest, sending him backwards down the steps.
The attacker ran away, and Brian ran to his truck to get his phone and call the police.
Brian couldn't complete the call.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the attacker reappear.
This time with a metal pipe.
His life — and the lives of his loved ones — were in danger.
Brian grabbed his legally concealed pistol and told the attacker to STOP.
Despite Brian's verbal commands to back off...
And despite seeing Brian's gun...
The attacker rushed forward holding the metal pipe above his head, ready to swing.
Brian was forced to shoot in self-defense.
Brian had done everything he could to AVOID having to shoot...
In fact, the attacker was less than 5 feet from him when he pressed the trigger.
Can you imagine that?
Can you imagine a senseless, deranged criminal rushing toward you from under 10 feet away?
Metal pipe above his head, when you're the ONLY chance your family has to survive?
Brian immediately called 911
He administered first aid.
After the ambulance and police arrived, he complied with every request.
Yet, as confusing and emotional as this situation was...
He remained calm.
As he was handcuffed and put into a squad car, he really felt like the detectives were just doing their jobs...
Brian KNEW he did the right thing. He trusted that the detectives would see the truth and he'd be fine...
But he also knew the aftermath of a self-defense incident is confusing.
The only way to be prepared for it... to actually take the time to think through ahead of time.
That's why the USCCA has critical training on this topic.
Now, back at the police station...
Brian realized something was wrong
Even though his family member corroborated his story...
And even though there was little evidence to support anything but the story they told...
Brian was charged with first-degree murder
They locked him up.
In one of the worst cell blocks no less, which held the most violent criminals...
Brian was a patriotic American who used his gun for the right reason... He was trained and ready. He did everything by the book.
Yet here he was, locked up with real criminals for a crime he didn't commit!
It was in that dark moment behind bars that Brian remembered his USCCA Membership.
He was able to get a message to his parents, and his mom called:
The 24/7 Delta Defense Critical Response Team
That phone call changed everything...
Brian, who had been praying out of desperation, felt hopeful for the first time...
The Delta Defense Critical Response Team immediately contacted a qualified attorney from the USCCA Attorney Network, who drove straight to the jail to visit Brian.
The attorney believed he was innocent!
In fact, he launched his own investigation, connecting all of the dots the detectives had missed.
He worked diligently to get this innocent USCCA Member out of jail, home to his loved ones, and cleared of all charges.
Frankly, it took a LOT of time.
It took a lot of money...
And it took a toll on Brian's family.
$68,500 of legal fees later all charges were dropped!
Now this is the most important part...
It's incredible that this USCCA Member had access to vital resources to help fund his defense expenses.
Because, frankly — he couldn't afford this case out of pocket.
And it's incredible that USCCA Members immediately get self-defense liability insurance1 as an automatic membership benefit.
However, let's be crystal clear about...
The most important benefit:
The benefits that help you in the aftermath, while important, are not the MOST important ones...
Let me explain...
This man protected himself and his family members from a deranged criminal.
He took decisive action.
He kept them safe.
He protected them.
They're alive today because he KNEW what to do...
This is SO important...
Do you know what really makes all the difference when it comes to self-defense?
The answer is how you PREPARE for it.
After all, the best way to WIN a gunfight is to AVOID it in the first place.
Being prepared means avoiding danger.
It means knowing how to de-escalate a potentially violent situation.
If forced to draw your gun in self-defense, you must know EXACTLY what to do next.
It's about making the right decisions:
Knowing how to find cover.
Giving verbal commands.
Avoiding pressing that trigger at all costs...
And if necessary...
It means shooting accurately, under pressure.
That's what makes all the difference.
When you're under attack, you don't have time to think through what you'll do.
You need those decisions programmed into your mind in ADVANCE.
That requires excellent training.
It requires making informed decisions.
And that's what the USCCA is here to help you do.
The USCCA helps responsible Americans prepare for everything they'll encounter before, during, and after a violent self-defense incident.
Now Is The Part Where I Ask You What Decision You're Going To Make.
Are you going to do what Brian did? Are you going to become a member of the USCCA family to ensure you and your family are protected?
Or are you going to leave this page and hope nothing bad ever happens?
Look, I hope to God you NEVER have to use anything you learn from the USCCA. But the unfortunate reality is the world isn't getting any safer. It's more divided than ever.
Ignorance isn't a strategy. Hope isn't a strategy. Optimism isn't a strategy.
Skill is a strategy. Insuring yourself in case of a crisis is a strategy. Learning from the best instructors on earth is a strategy.
That's what the USCCA offers you.
Protection for what happens DURING and AFTER a violent encounter
This isn't meant to come across as a "hard sell" to get you to join the USCCA.
It's meant to demonstrate the consequences of what could happen if you don't take action and become a member today.
Because you never know what the future holds...
So at this point you can either leave this page...
...or you can invest in your future by becoming a USCCA member.
I recommend you get a USCCA membership ... whether you're already a well-trained shooter ...or a brand-new gun owner.
When you start a risk-free USCCA Membership today:
You get instant access to the best firearms, concealed carry, and home defense training and education systems in the nation.
You'll save time, save money, and cut out the guesswork with checklists and guides for everything from fortifying your home to doubling your accuracy.
Self-defense liability insurance1 is an AUTOMATIC membership benefit.
You'll benefit from world-class customer support, and a private number for the Delta Defense Critical Response Team that you can call 24/7/365.
You'll get rewarded with member-only perks like complimentary shipping and a Concealed Carry Magazine subscription (valued at $79).
You’ll also be able to save $100s or even $1,000s annually on guns, holsters, accessories, and more with exclusive USCCA Member discounts from top brands.
And your purchase is fully protected. USCCA Membership is 100% Risk-Free.
The USCCA has a 30-Day, Money-Back, Bulletproof Guarantee®.
That means there's zero risk.
Take thirty days to evaluate your membership, and if you're not fully satisfied, just call in, and you'll receive a prompt and courteous refund.
There has never been a better time to activate your USCCA Membership.
And there are three BIG reasons you'd better hurry...
Our exclusive training and education, which you can begin immediately, will help you avoid threats, de-escalate potentially violent scenarios, fortify your home, prepare your loved ones, stop crimes, and even save lives.
You'll automatically become an insured on a self-defense liability insurance1 policy the moment you activate a USCCA Membership.
You and your loved ones will be safer because YOU have prepared for everything that happens before, during, and after using your gun in self-defense.
I urge you, don't sleep on this...
On top of all that, you'll get special bonuses worth up to when you sign up right now.
Just click the button below to claim your amazing bonus and become a member today!
Take care and stay safe,
Tim Schmidt
USCCA Chairman & Co-Founder