We Are Delta Defense
Get a glimpse into the culture of our company...
Delta Defense, LLC provides sales, marketing, operations and administrative support services to the USCCA and is a licensed insurance agency in all 50 states and the District of Columbia with its principal office in West Bend, WI. Delta Defense, LLC does business as Delta Defense Insurance Services in California. CA License #0M34093.

Not just a buzzword: Around here, we’re fiercely protective of our culture. Not just a workplace; we’re a family.

We don’t shy away from giving back. West Bend is our home and we strive to help see it and our neighbors shine.

USCCA is making waves in the firearms and self-defense industries. We're an unstoppable force for the good guys.

Everything we do is done bigger, better, and faster than we did yesterday. There’s no slowing us down!
We Fiercely Defend Our Core Values
Because They Drive Everything We Do.

We believe in our inalienable right to self-defense
The founding fathers of our country affirmed the natural-born right of free people to defend themselves when they added the 2nd Amendment to our bill of rights.
We have a growth mindset
Belief that people and businesses are either growing or dying. Some people have a scarcity mindset and some people have a growth mindset. Growth results from embracing change.
We get shit done
There’s on old saying that ‘the fast eat the slow’. Slow execution is the kiss of death for
any business initiative.
We deal with problems “head on”
When conflict occurs (which it will), we address and solve the conflict directly. If not able to solve, we “roll it uphill” and ask for help. We NEVER engage in sideways or downstream negative talk!
We live the 5H’s
We are Honest, Humble, Happy, Hungry and Healthy.

Questions About USCCA Membership?
Delta Defense’s Customer Engagement Team is here to assist you and answer all your questions
1-800-674-9779. You may also find answers at USCCA.com.
USCCA Membership